the Radio Attic

Radios sold at the Radio Attic in 2016

Here are the 894 radios sold in 2016 at the Radio Attic!
Click here to see radios sold in the past 365 days.

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Of, if YOU bought the radio, to get all nostalgic and stuff....

Zenith 5-S-319 "Racetrack" (1939)Stromberg-Carlson 130H (1936)Silvertone 6128 (1937)Emerson 849Philco 66 Tombstone (1934)FADA 845Kolster ELK-27 Console (1927)Guild 556 "Country Bell" (1955)Zenith 5-R-317 "1939 World's Fair" Glass Rod RadioGrundig M400 World Reciever
Toshiba 7TP-303A (Japan)Zenith Royal 16 (1967)Sparton 61Zenith Royal 500H Gift Set (1961)Zenith 5-S-327 Tombstone (1939)Musicaire 801 (1938)Arvin 417 "Rhythm Baby" Tombstone (1936)Zenith 5-J-217Silvertone 4500 "Election" (1936)Silvertone 8011 Clock Radio (1948)
Delco R-1116 (1938)Emerson CY-286 (1939)Stewart-Warner BooksetZenith 6-D-625 (1941)Zenith 6-D-312 (1938)Emerson 724D Clock Radio (1953)Tele-Tone 135RCA 6-RF-9 AM/FM/Phono (1954)Silvertone Radio (1956)Crosley CR6004 USB Turntable
Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)Remler 5510 "Scottie Pup" (1940)Zenith 6-S-511 (1941)Stromberg-Carlson 130R (1936)Emerson 106 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1936)Sharp BP-374 (1963)RCA 9-X-561 (1950)Arvin 517 "Rhythm Junior" Tombstone (1938)Zenith Royal 16 R-16Y1 Transistor (1960s)Emerson 671W Clock Radio (1951)
Sony 5F-90W AM/FM TransistorPhilco 89 Cathedral (1932)Stewart-Warner 91-51WT (1938)Philco 42-380 ConsoleRCA 87T (1937)Metrocone Doublecone SpeakerOrthoCone SpeakerRadiola 60 AC RadioWestinghouse WR209 (1936)Grundig-Majestic 87 (1957)
Musical John Transistor (1970?)Philco 84 Cathedral (1934)Airline 62-288 "Miracle" (1937)General Electric 50 Clock RadioPhilco 81 Jr. CathedralAdmiral B-225 (1936)Realtone TR-1088 "Comet"Grundig 2540U (1965)Delco R1140 (1938)Westinghouse H-383T (1953)
Silvertone 4465 Tombstone (1937)General Electric F-63 (1937)Aiwa AR-666Omegas Eight TransistorJ.C. Penney 6TP-322 (Toshiba)Philco 48-200 Transitone (1948)RCA 9TX32 (1939)RCA 9X561 "Golden Throat" (1950)Zenith 715 "Challenger Line" (1934)Pepsi Cola Radio (Early 1990s)
Rolls Royce Phantom II (1931 model) TransistorStewart-Warner "Dionne Quintuplets" RadioWestinghouse WR-23 Tombstone (1935)Philco 41-220 (1941)Majestic 5A410 (1946)Federal 1540T "Oriental" (1946)RCA 6T Tombstone (1936)Zenith 52-522 ConsoleBelmont 6D111 (1946)Philco 42-321 (1942)
Howard 256 (1937)Philco 97 TombstoneEdison Standard PhonographLafayette "Star-Fire VI" (1968)Philco 70 Cathedral (1933)Zenith 6-D-2614 "Boomerang" (1941)Emerson AR173 (1938)Westinghouse H-711T5 Clock RadioPhilco 41-285 ConsolePhilco 40-180 Console (1940)
Federal Orthosonic (Circa 1925)Silvertone EPhilco 46-250 Code 125 (1946)Emerson 547A (1947)Bendix 111 (1948)General Electric 107 (1948)Mickey Mouse RadioZenith Y-615 (1958)Westinghouse H-374T5 Clock Radio (1952)General Electric 200 (1946)
Airline 15BR-1547 (1951)Zenith 5-S-319 "Racetrack" (1939)Admiral 5X11N (1950)Zenith Royal 500HZenith 10-S-130 Tombstone (1937)Emerson 134 Tombstone w/Ingraham Cabinet (1937)Universal PTR62B Transistor w/CaseZenith 5-R-226 Child's Console (1937)Detrola 140 (1936)Airline 93WG-602B (1939)
Ross 1450Crosley E30-GN (1953)Silvertone 8004 (1949)Zenith Y600 Trans-OceanicMotorola 57CS Clock Radio (1957)General Electric 114W (1948)Motorola 5T Tombstone (1937)Silvertone 2015 (1954)Zenith 6-S-229 Tombstone (1938)Belmont 6D110
Bendix 636C (1947)Toilet Paper Holder Novelty RadioCrosley 9-105 (1949)Crosley 10-135 (1950)Airline WG-518 (1941)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Emerson 32 (1934)RCA 14X (1941)Zenith 6-D-2620 "Boomerang" (1941)Crosley 10-136E
Sony CF580 Portable AM/FM/Cassette (1976)Zenith T2518 AM-FM (1958)Jewel 960U (1950)Porsche RadioSylvania 510B (1950)Farnsworth GT-060 (1947)Bendix 0526A (1946)Tele-Tone 109 (1946)Marconi 223 Tombstone (1936)Panasonic R-47 "Cube"
Troy 75 (1936)Olympic Opta Bella Luxus 5711W (1958)Crosley 11-100U "Dynamic Bullseye" (1951)Zenith 6-D-015 "Consoltone" (1946)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1935)Silvertone 125 Cathedral (1929)RCA 118 Tombstone (1934)Zenith 6D-612 (1942)Philco 70 Cathedral (1933)General Electric P2765A
FADA 711 "Dip Top" Catalin (1946)Air Castle TRS-38F PortableStromberg-Carlson 1200-H (1948)Coronado 43-8160 "Jewel" (1947)RCA 9-X-641 (about 1949)Northern Electric 53A (1934)Silvertone 220 (1954)Zenith 6-S-128 Tombstone (1936)Emerson BA199 (1938)Gilfillan 56B (1946)
Teletone 113Emerson 851BCorona 209 (1936)RCA 5XRCA 9X571 (1950)Motorola PortableRCA 111 Cathedral (1934)Emerson 706 Series B (1954)Airline 562 (1940)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)
Majestic 66 (1937)Stewart-Warner R-169A (1936)Kadette 50 Tombstone (1934)Zenith H511-YRCA 66X12 (1947)RCA 96T4Zenith 7-J-232 "Waltons" Tombstone (1938)Philco 42KR3 (1942)Mitchell 1262 "Lullaby" Bed Lamp Radio (1954)Firestone 4-A-12 "Narrator" (1948)
Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1963)O'Neil Reproducer-Speaker (1920s)Stewart-Warner 9160AU (1952)Nordmende Transita G Sterling AM/FM/SW Portable (1960)Zenith 6-D-510Philco 42-PT-93Grunow 671 Console (1934)Arvin 444A (1946)J.C. Penney 3030Radiola 25 with Loop Antenna (1925)
General Electric 114W with iPod ModTower Scientific Cone SpeakerEmerson 176 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1938)Emerson 587Truetone D-2709 (1947)Silvertone 6175 (1939)Philco 90 Cathedral (1931)General Television 2A5 (1947)Zenith 5-S-126 "Cube" (1936)Trav-Ler 5015 (1948)
Silvertone 3551 "Candycane" Beetle (1940)Setchell-Carlson RA546Airline 15BR-1543A (1951-52)General Electric J-82 Cathedral (1932)Crosley D-25-BE Clock Radio (1953)Radiola 103 Tapestry SpeakerPanasonic RE-7487 (1969)Atwater Kent 84 Cathedral (1931)Grebe MU-1 Synchrophase (1925)Zenith 5-S-228 Mini-Tombstone (1938)
Westinghouse H-125 "Little Jewel" (1948)Silvertone 1205Zenith Royal 500ECoca-Cola '55 Style Vending Machine RadioITT SMX-800 AM/FM Stereo Receiver (1967)RCA 2-XF91 AM/FM (1953)Atwater Kent 657Q Tombstone (1936)Packard-Bell 631 (1954)Hallicrafters WR-1000 (1962)Airline 05GSE-1066 Portable (1952)
Victor-Victrola RE-75 Radio-Phonograph (1929)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)General Electric C-400 (1946)Halson 606 (1938)Aetna 404Emerson 31L04 "Lifetimer" Clock Radio (1962)Zenith J-733 AM/FM Clock Radio (1955)Emerson 544 (1947)Air Castle 14-136EA (1935)Arvin 243-T (1948)
Sony TFM-121Trancel 6TP-348Trancel 6TP-243 by ToshibaEmerson 543 (1947)Emerson 520 Catalin (1946)Westinghouse H345T5 (1951)Truetone D-2611 (1946)Majestic 5A410 (1946)Silvertone 4774 (1939)Coronado 43-8190 (1947)
Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)Philco 70 CathedralEmerson AX-235 Catalin "Little Miracle" (1938)RCA 66X1Motorola TC24ES AM/FM (1969)Zenith 5D011 Consoltone (1946)RCA 56X2 (1946)Philco PT-26 (1939)Atwater Kent 206 Cathedral (1934)Aetna "J" (1936)
Motorola 6T (1937)Zenith 5G617 (1942)Zenith 705 (1933)Silvertone 1988 (1935-36)Mitchell 1274 Bel-Aire (1954)Philco 48-250 Transitone (1948)DeWald H-537 (1955)Grundig EL-2320U (1962)Crosley 52TF (1942)RCA 9X11 Catalin (1938)
Philco 6 Transistor with CaseSilvertone 9054 (1948)Airline 62-406 (1937)Firestone Air Chief S-7398-3 "The Cosmopolitan" (1941)Silvertone 6424 (1939)Emerson 336Crosley CR-1 (1988)Stewart-Warner R-111 "Century of Progress" (1933)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1931)Emerson 888 "Pioneer"
Sony TR-610Emerson 888 "Explorer"Sony TR-610Silvertone 3141 (1940)Truetone D-727 (1937)Philco 49-501 "Boomerang"General Electric 150 Portable (1949)Belmont 5D128 (1946)Belmont 519 (1939)Motorola 57X11 (1947)
Packard-Bell 531 (1953)Trav-Ler A-502 (1937)Kadette 120 (1936)Admiral 4L2A (1958)Arvin 444A (1946)Philco 37-650 Tombstone (1937)General Electric 7-2880B "Super Radio" (1979)Benrus 10B Clock Radio (1955)Minerva W-117 "Tropic Master" (1945)RCA 75X11 (1947)
Emerson BT-245 Catalin Tombstone (1938)Lloyds Clock Radio (1970s)FADA 1000 Catalin (1946)Philco 20 Cathedral (1930)General Electric GD-63Crosley 5529-DArvin 540TAMD Radio Kit (Early 1960s)Zenith 7H920 AM/FM (1949)Arvin 732 (1941)
RCA 6BX-6 Portable (1946)Zenith 3000-1 (1963)RCA BP-10 Personal Radio (1940)Zenith H725 AM/FM (1951)FADA 190 Tombstone (1935)RCA 55X (1942)Federal 200 Regenerative ReceiverZenith 6-J-230 Tombstone (1938)Motorola 53H (1954)Crosley CR-1
General Electric P780 (1960)Majestic Charlie McCarthy (1939)General Electric A70 Tombstone (1935)Emerson 544Motorola 5R1Philco 84 CathedralGeneral Electric 941 Clock Radio (1956)General Electric 941 Clock Radio (1956)Emerson 657B Portable (1951)Philco 52-548 (1952)
Newcomb EDT15M PhonographAdmiral 5E22 (1951)Trav-Ler 46-37 (1956)Bulova 100 Clock RadioBose Wave RadioZenith 8G005T Trans-OceanicTelefunken Gavotte 7 (1956)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Stewart-Warner R-3043-A Tombstone (1933)DeWald 441 "Mighty-Mite Jr." (1935)
Zenith 6-S-528 (1941)General Television & Radio 5B5 (1946)Air King 910 (1937)Emerson 108 "U5A" Tombstone (1935)Stewart-Warner 07-514-H Mini Sled (1938)Admiral 5J3 Clock Radio (1953)Atwater Kent 206 Cathedral (1934)Coronado 05RA37 (1949)DeForest Crosley "Drake" (1932)Philco 48-460
Motorola A2GSentinel 212W (1940)Philco Transitone (1941?)Silvertone 6250A (1939)Emerson 425 (1942)Emerson 594A (1949)Emerson 503 (1949)Guild 380-T "The Town Crier" (1956)Zenith 715 TombstoneWestinghouse H398T5 Clock Radio (1954)
General Electric 516F Clock RadioZenith 6-S-27 Tombstone (1936)Detrola 568-1 (1947)Trophy Baseball Radio (1941)Zenith 6-S-229 Tombstone (1938)Zenith 6-S-27 Tombstone (1936)Zenith 6-G-001Y "Universal" (1946)General Electric 514 Clock Radio (1953)Crosley 515 Mini-Tombstone (1935)Mayfair 6 Transistor (Japan)
Zenith 5-S-218 (1938)Zenith 5-R-312 (1938)General Electric 102 (1948)Motorola 57CS Clock Radio (1957)Sylvania 510-B (1950)Airline 62-317 (1938)Silvertone 1A (1959)Packard-Bell 631 (1954)Crosley D-25-BEAirline 62-318 (1936) "Movie Dial"
Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)General Electric P780 Portable (1960)Emerson 713-A (1953/54)RCA 65X2 (1946)Philco 46-2 (1946)Trav-Ler 5054 (1948)General Electric 7-2889B "Super Radio SR1" (1979)Zenith H723Z2 AM/FM (1952)Westone 40 (1934)Sentinel 220-T460 (1940)
Zenith 6-S-128 TombstoneEchophone S-5 Cathedral (1932)Airline 62-254 (1936)General Electric T-1298 (1959)Sonora WAU-243 (1939)Crosley ReplicaFederal 1095T "Oriental"Crosley 718 (1939)Philco 48-464 (1948)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1936)
Zenith 5-S-119Emerson A130Sparton 6-26 (1948)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951-1954)Bulova 672 (1962)Emerson BF207 (1938)Emerson 610 (1949)Sony ICF-9740W (1980)Silver 149 (1937)Spice Chest 484 (1956)
International Kadette 53 Tombstone (1936)Zenith 6-D-516 "Beehive" (1941)General Electric P783A "Long Range" Portable (1965)Zenith RE94Y "The Continental" PortableSony ICF-9650W (Late 70s)Climax "Emerald" (First Version - 1937)Philco D-661 Portable (1956)Motorola C4B-1-43 Clock RadioPhilco 60 Cathedral (1936)World Master Tombstone
Crosley D25WE Clock Radio (1953)Emerson AP-185 w/Ingraham Cabinet (1937)Stewart-Warner 9160 (1952)Emerson 744-B (1954)Detrola TombstoneAutomatic Tom Thumb Portable (1947)Packard-Bell 46H (1939)Claricon Midget (1960s?)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Zenith B600 Trans-Oceanic (1958)
RCA 75X17 "Oriental" (1948)General Electric F-51 (1938)Air Castle 6110 (1939)Motorola 53H (1954)Zenith 6-S-222 "Cube" (1938)Coronado 43-8354 (1947)Zenith H845 AM/FM (1964)Crosley 11-120U "Dashboard" (1951)Silvertone 2208-09 (1961)Zenith S22230 Clock Radio
Zenith Royal 500 w/Case (1957)Crosley 125 Cathedral (1932)Realistic 12-695 AM/FM (1990)King 2 TransistorJupiter Transistor Clock Radio (1961)CBS 545 Clock Radio (1953)General Electric Clock Radio (1960)Zenith Royal 810 AM/FM (1966)Zenith Royal 500 w/Case (1956)Zenith Royal 275 (1959)
Wendell-West Portable (Japan)Realtone 8 Transistor (Japan)General Electric 200 (1946)Motorola 52XZenith 6-D-629 (1942)RCA 1-R-81 AM/FMMajestic 5AK711 (1947)Detrola 175E (1937)Airline 64WG-1804A (1946)Tower "Adventurer" Reproducer (1920s)
Airline 15WG-1545 AM/FM (1951)Westinghouse H-126 "Little Jewel" (1945)Philco 53-562Philco 49-506 (1949)Emerson 520 Catalin (1946)Automatic CL-164 Clock Radio (1952)Jewel 955 (1949)Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1978)Arvin 10 Transistor with CaseRCA Transistor with Case
Esquire 550U Clock Radio (1952)General Electric 202 (1947)General Electric 114W (1948)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Silvertone 4505 "Election" (1936)Emerson 544Philco 38-9Philco 60 Cathedral (1935)Philco 220 (1941)Philco 90C Cathedral (1933)
Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Philco 71H Console (1932)Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Zenith 6-D-311 (1939)Emerson 883 Series B Clock Radio (1958)RCA Victor AF-6165A Wall-Mounted SpeakerAirline 93WG-602B (1940)Loewe Opta Bella Luxus 5711W (1958)National SW-54 Communications ReceiverBelmont 636B
Bulova 100 Clock RadioMotorola 45P5 "Pixie" Portable (1954)Sony TFM121 AM/FM TransistorPhilco PT-12 TransitoneWestinghouse H-678T4 Clock Radio (1959)Philco 60 Cathedral (1934)Hallicrafters S-200 Legionnaire (1965)Westinghouse 501 (1948)Grunow 750 Tombstone (1934)Philco 42-PT-7 (1941-42)
Zenith 5-R-316 (1938)Echophone S4 CathedralZenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Philco R90 Replica (1980)Silvertone 1942 Tombstone (1936)General Electric H-600UPhilco 51-629 (1951)Victor V1 Victrola (1904)Silvertone 4465 Tombstone (1937)DeWald Midget Tombstone
Radio King 505 Cathedral (1934)Zenith 5-S-228 Tombstone (1938)Crosley 66TC "American Overseas" (1946)Motorola 53H (1954)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Farnsworth ET066 (1946)Zenith Royal 810 AM/FMPackard-Bell Transistor RadioLadybug ReplicaNational Panasonic RF-626 AM/FM
Arvin 61R13,23 (1962)Viscount 602 V-I-PAtwater Kent 80 Cathedral (1932)Universal 8 Transistor (Japan)Goldtone 8 Transistor (Japan)General Electric 202 (1946)Zenith J615 (1952)Diner Jukebox RadioRCA 57X11Gulbransen 130 Cathedral by Wells-Gardner (1932)
Majestic 44 TombstoneJewel 960UAtwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)Philips Tombstone (1935)Philco 46-420Zenith 6-S-223 (1938)Wells-Gardner Series 11A (1938)Crosley 52TD (1941)Radiola 33 with Matching Radiola 100B SpeakerDetrola 3043 (1939)
Truetone DC-3715BEmerson 888 "Explorer"Admiral 5A32 Clock Radio (1952)Arvin 618 "Phantom Junior" (1937)Watterson 527 (1955)Zenith 805 Cathedral (1934)Ross Supreme Ten TransistorSun Mark SM-8H (1965)General Electric H-520 "Turbine" (1939)Zenith 6-D-525
Crosley 56-TD "Duette" Portable (1947)Philco 52-940 (1952)Trav-Ler T-200Zenith Royal 500 HandwiredWestinghouse WR-100 "The Juke" Tombstone (1935)Clinton (1936)Zenith 5-S-128A (1938)Zenith 807 Tombstone (1935)Sylvania 5T18 (1960)Halson NS40 "Jefferson" (1934)
Philco 42-PT-7 (1942)Atwater Kent 447 Tombstone (1933)Zenith X174WEmerson 547A (1947)Silvertone 4025 Clock Radio (1954)Motorola 5H11U (1950)SABA 400 Automatic Stereo 11 (1961-62)Crosley 5M3 "Fiver" Tombstone (1935)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)Zenith 7-S-633 (1942)
Sparton 517 (1936)Stewart-Warner 91-53 Tombstone (1938)RCA 61-10 (1947)Zenith 9-S-232 "Walton" Tombstone (1938)Crosley 718 (1939)Silvertone 2003 (1953)Zenith 6-D-614 (1942)Emerson 642-A (1949)Zenith 1000D Trans-Oceanic (1960)Admiral 5G22 (1950)
Sentinel 309W (1947) in Original BoxRCA T-9-10 Tombstone (1938)Westinghouse H-744T (1957)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1935)Norelco B5X68A (1956)Truetone D2718 (1947)Realtone TR-801 "Electra"Belmont 6D111 "Rabbit" (1946)Brunswick 12 (1932)Firestone 7403-4 (1940)
Angelus Cathedral (1930)RCA 6XF9 "The Lindsay" AM/FM (1954)Vita Voice RadioGonset 3054 Monitor ReceiverTruetone 278-5Q BeetleRCA 103 Tapestry SpeakerBulova 190 Clock RadioEmerson Q188 Clock Radio w/Ingraham Cabinet (1930s)Zenith 6-D-525 "Toaster" (1941)Grunow 501 (1933)
Emerson 544Philco 40-124 (1940)Howard 58St. Regis Gothic Cathedral (1934)Zenith R-615 (1958)Stewart-Warner 03-5S2 (1939)Philco 71B Cathedral (1932)RCA T8-14 Tombstone (1935)Mantola 461-5SL (1938)General Electric P780B Portable
Stromberg-Carlson AR-37 Amplifier (1946-47)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)RCA 66X1 (1946)Sonora RBU-176 (1946)Zenith 6-S-222 (1937)Zenith T524-R Clock RadioAtwater Kent 30 (1926)Bulova 130 Clock Radio (1962)Philco KR3 (1942)Point of Sale Displays Inc. Coca-Cola Cooler Radio (1949)
Emerson 656B (1951)General Electric T1130B (1966)RCA R-71 Tombstone (1933)Motorola 56H (1956)Zenith A600L Leather Trans-OceanicZenith 6-D-2614 (1942)Crosley E-15WESilvertone 6016 (1947)Zenith 7-S-633R (1942)Zenith 6-D-311 (1939)
Loose Coupler (Electro-Importing or Signal Electric)Westinghouse H-355T5 Clock Radio (1952)Toshiba 7TH-425 (1961)Artone 1046U (1948)Federal 1040TB (1947)Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Philco 48-475 AM/FM (1948)Zenith 7-S-363 Console (1939)RCA R7 Superette Tombstone (1931)RCA 26X1 (1948)
Stromberg-Carlson 58T Tombstone (1936)RCA T4-8A cathedral (1934)Stewart-Warner A51T2Philco 54C (1933)KLH 11 Portable Phonograph (1961)Emerson EC-376 Twin Speaker w/ Ingraham Cabinet (1940)General Electric C547 Clock/Radio (1966)Arvin 61R35Zenith Royal 7000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1971-72)Magnavox AM-81 (NOS)
Stromberg-Carlson 520-H (1941)Emerson 107 "Duotone" with Ingraham Cabinet (1936)Airline 62-351 (1939)Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1978)Philco 53-562 (1953)Belmont 6-D-111 (1946)Zenith Royal 500L (1964)Zenith 9-S-232 TombstoneGilfillan 32 (1934)Truetone D-723 "Tulip" (1937)
Stromberg-Carlson 925-H (1939)Motorola 61T21 (1941/42)Grunow 501 (1934)Firestone 4-A-20 (1947)Telefunken Allegro 205/FM Stereo (1968)Zenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1935)Radiola 61-9 (1947)General Electric M-81 tombstone (1935)Philco 48-206 (1948)FADA 1000 Catalin (1946)
General Electric K-80 Tombstone (1934)Zenith H845 AM/FM (1964)Motorola 55X11-A (1946)Zenith 7H822 AM/FM (1949)Hallicrafters S-80 "Defender" (1952)RCA 96X-4 (1939)Crosley CR-1 (1988)Stewart-Warner 1272 "Prado" Tombstone (1933)Icom 2Gat Two-Meter Transceiver (1989-90)Philco PT-25 (1939/40)
General Electric 124 (1949)Crosley 501A (1946)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Bulova 610 Series Clock Radio (1959?)Westinghouse WR-5 (1930)Troy 53 (1937)Zenith S-46917 (1960)Truetone D-2815 (1948)Zenith 7H820Z AM/FMRCA X600 (Canada-1950)
Emerson 577B (1948-49)RCA 9-BX-56 (1949)Airline 94BR-1526A (1949)RCA 7T1 Tombstone (1936)Stewart-Warner R-169A "Cube" (1937)Hallicrafters S-95 Civic Patrol (1955)Zenith L514 Clock Radio (1964)Air Castle 136 (1938)General Electric 400 (1950)York TR-62 (1962)
Toyo Portable 8-Track Player/RecorderTohPhonic HP-2T Intercoms (1962)Jackson-Bell "Fan" (1932-33)Zenith 6-S-27 Tombstone (1936)RCA 9X641 (1950)Silvertone 4586 Console (1936-37)Zenith 6-D-2614 "Boomerang" (1942)Aetna 253CL (1935)Zenith Royal 7000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1970s)Farnsworth ET-066 (1948)
Stewart-Warner 1231 Mini-Cathedral (1933)Standard SR-200 Tube PortableBlack Hawk Radio (about 1939)Westinghouse Travel Clock/Radio (1965)FADA 172 (1936)Record PlayerCrosley 56PB Portable (1946)Zenith L505 Portable with Wave-Magnet (1953)Emerson AX212 "Bulleye" (1938)Airline 84BR-1507 (1948)
Majestic 381 "Treasure Chest" (1932)Bendix 636D (1947)Philco 49-505 (1949)Emerson 414 (1941)Philco 46-350 Portable (1946)RCA T-9-10 Tombstone (1938)Stewart-Warner 1262A "Stuart" Tombstone (1933)Simplex "D" (1936)FADA 652 "Temple" (1946)Dow Cathedral (Late 1920s)
Kadette 35 "Telematic" (1936)RCA 56X11 (1946)Silvertone 3411 Beetle "Candy Cane" (1940)Toshiba 7TP-352SPhilco 20 CathedralZenith Royal 500Pioneer SR 101 Reverb Amp (1969)Toni 5T6RCA 87T (1937)Silvertone 4465 Tombstone (1936)
Detrola 136 Early (1937)Zenith 7-S-232AT Tombstone (1938)Arvin 617 "Phantom Baby" (1937)Silvertone 6175 (1939)Silvertone 6027 (1956)Guild "Old Timer" (1958)Jewel 5057U Clock Radio (1950)Silvertone 4565 (1937)Air Castle 5052 (1948)Crosley 11-101U "Bullseye" (1950)
Zenith 6G601L Universal "Sailboat" (1941-42)Motorola 50-X-2 (1941-42)Delco R-1230 (1947)Emerson 587 Series B (1949)Grunow 580 Tombstone (1935)Kadette 53 (International Radio) (1936)Brandes-Federal 1030 (1946)International A9101Brother Aquatron VX-33c (1970s)Zenith Royal 300
Philco 37-620 TombstonePhilco 51-932FADA 1000 "Streamliner" Catalin (1946)Zenith 4-K-310 "Pancake" (1939)Radiola 511 (1940)Stewart-Warner R-1811 (1938)Zenith 6-S-222 (1938)Zenith K622 Clock Radio (1953)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)DeWald "Harp/Lyre" Catalin
Colonial T-345 Cathedral (1932)General Electric K-80 Tombstone (1934)RCA 1-RA-50 (1962)Crosley 56TX (1946)Sonora RZU-222 (1948)Trav-Ler 55-39 (1955)Philco 49-900Global GR-711Hi Delity 6T-250Zenith 6-D-614 (1942)
Silvertone 4401 (1937)Atwater Kent 82 Cathedral (1932)General Electric 102 (1948)Airline 93WG-602B (1939)Bendix 753 Clock RadioPhilips Radio (Canada)General Electric C-505 Clock Radio (1966)Halson 606Delco 1106 Tombstone (1935)Philco 47-205 (1947)
Arvin 618A "Phantom Maid" (1937-38)Zenith 6-S-511 (1941)Zenith 6-D-612 (1942)Crosley E-15BE "Dashboard" (1953)RCA 2-C-514 (1952)General Electric C-434 Clock Radio (1960)Zenith 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic (1965)General Electric 675Zenith Royal 500Joni 6J
Lloyd's TF-911Zenith 8-S-434 (1940)Fairbanks-Morse 6C (1936)Skyrover (Belmont) 41 Cathedral (1933)Philco 42-322Hitachi TH-666Thomas Phonograph ReplicaBelmont 6-D-111 (1946)Detrola 139 Tombstone (1937)Packard-Bell 501 (1949)
Colonial 36AC Cathedral (1930)Philco 41-22CL (1941)RCA 10X (1941)RCA T6-1Airline 93BR-420B (1939)DeWald Little Giant Cathedral/Tombstone (1931)Zenith A615GBelmont 6-D-111 (1946)Silver 149 "Cele" (1936)Hallicrafters 5R10A (1951-1954)
Motorola 68X11Q (1948)Motorola 56HRCA 56X (1945)Emerson 510 (1946)Arvin 542T (about 1950)Americana EightFADA 790 Series B AM/FM (1949)Zenith H511-W (1951)Detrola 302 "Teardrop" (1939)Knight Radio
Admiral 5-J22 (1951)General Television & Radio 524 (1947)Computer FM Auto-Scan RadioPhilco 54-8759 AM/FM (1954)Emerson 847 Portable (1956)General Electric 500 Clock Radio (1950)Motorola 67X (1941)Zenith 6-J-436 (1940)Philco 116B Tombstone (1934)Echophone EC-1 (1941-1945)
Coronet C-2 (1946)General Electric P-910DEmerson 888 "Galaxy"Kensington 5033N "TV Radio"Airline 14BR-525A (1941)Zenith 10-S-464 (1941)FADA 790 Series B AM/FM (1949)Philco PT-25 (1940)American Bosch 200 "Bombay Chest" (1932)American Bosch 460 Tombstone (1935)
Zenith 6-D-512 "Beehive" (1941)Zenith 5-S-319 "Racetrack" (1939)Stewart-Warner 9000B (1946-47)Farnsworth ET-060 (1946)Climax G (1936)Aviola 601 (1947)Goodyear Wings 588 (1936)General Electric 107 (1948)Sentinel 284 CatalinZenith K412-W "Owl Eyes" Portable (1953)
General Electric P780E "Super Radio" (1960)Zenith 6-D-015 "Consoltone" (1946)Hallicrafters S-38B (1947)RCA 14AX Westinghouse H-559P4 (1956)Musicaire RadioPhilco 41-221Coca-Cola Cooler Radio 5A410A (1949)Crosley 148 Cathedral (1932)Arvin 444AM (1947)
Zenith Royal D7000Y Trans-Oceanic (1973)Gilfillan 54-A (Late)Detrola 568 "Aria" (1946)Zenith 5-D-611 (1942)Westinghouse WR-12X10 (1941)Emerson 695-B (1952)FADA 652 "Temple" (1946)RCA C-3E Clock Radio (1959)Sentinel 1U360 (1955)Crosley D-25 Clock Radio
National NC-2-40D Communications ReceiverSentinel 331-INorwood RadioPhilco 60B Cathedral, Early Version (1936)FADA 845 (1947)Crosley 167 Cathedral (1932)Panasonic R-72 "Toot-A-Loop"Bellwood PearlToneBelmont 6-D-111 (1946)National T-101 (Panasonic)
Emerson 838 HybridZenith Royal 500 HandwiredOlympic Opta Bella Luxus 5711W (1958)Bendix 753-MX Clock Radio (1953)Philco 41-221 (1941)Trophy Baseball Radio (1941)Emerson 517 "Moderne" (1947)Silvertone 4565 (1937)Bulova 100 "Imperial" Clock Radio (1957)Zenith 8G-005YT Trans-Oceanic (1946)
Radiola 16 (1927)Peerless Series "A" Reproducer (1928 or 29)Nipco Hi-Fi 10
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