the Radio Attic
What's ON SALE at the Radio Attic?
From time to time, Radio Attic sellers put some of their radios on sale for a limited time. 
Every radio on this page has its price marked down!  Click on any radio to go to its advertisement. 

Detrola 320 (1939)
Detrola 320 (1939)
Wood table radio w/SW
Was $329.00, now $299.00!

Emerson 511 "Moderne" (1947)
Emerson 511 "Moderne" (1947)
Beetle table radio
Was $429.00, now $379.00!

ERLA 271-A (1931)
ERLA 271-A (1931)
Wood cathedral radio
Was $529.00, now $459.00!

Howard 268-T (1937)
Howard 268-T (1937)
Wood table radio w/SW
Was $425.00, now $375.00!

Silvertone 4563 (1936)
Silvertone 4563 (1936)
Wood table radio w/SW
Was $329.00, now $279.00!

Stewart-Warner R-169 (1936)
Stewart-Warner R-169 (1936)
Wood table radio w/SW
Was $475.00, now $395.00!

Zenith 4G800ZY "Zenette" (1948)
Zenith 4G800ZY "Zenette" (1948)
Plastic portable radio
Was $179.00, now $149.00!

Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)
Zenith Royal 7000 Trans-Oceanic (1969)
Plastic portable radio w/FM/SW
Was $485.00, now $425.00!

Zenith Royal D7000Y Trans-Oceanic (1978)
Zenith Royal D7000Y Trans-Oceanic (1978)
Plastic portable radio w/FM/SW
Was $445.00, now $395.00!

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Sellers are identified at the top of each page.  You must directly contact the seller to purchase a radio.

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