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Stewart-Warner radios sold!

Stewart-Warner 9000B (1946-47)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Stewart-Warner 9000B (1946-47)


This is a six-tube radio receiving both AM and Shortwave (9-12 MHz). Although a post-WWII set (and sources differ on which year it came out), the bright metal horizontal strips are reminiscent of high-end Art Deco radios of the late 1930s. The finish is restored original, with one small (less than 1/2" x 1/2") chip missing on the front, right near top. The knobs are original; note one has a slightly deformed center. It has been electronically restored and plays well. The back is original and in excellent condition, which is a little unusual; many of them deteriorated and many were discarded to allow more cooling for the chassis. About 16"W x 10"H x 8"D.

Stewart-Warner 9000B (1946-47)


This is a six-tube radio receiving both AM and Shortwave (9-12 MHz). Although a post-WWII set (and sources differ on which year it came out), the bright metal horizontal strips are reminiscent of high-end Art Deco radios of the late 1930s. The finish is restored original, with one small (less than 1/2" x 1/2") chip missing on the front, right near top. The knobs are original; note one has a slightly deformed center. It has been electronically restored and plays well. The back is original and in excellent condition, which is a little unusual; many of them deteriorated and many were discarded to allow more cooling for the chassis. About 16"W x 10"H x 8"D.

Reported sold on January 24, 2016
Listed price on date of sale - $67.50
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