the Radio Attic

Jeff Moreland's Attic

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Truetone 686 (1936)RCA 3-X-535 (1954)Emerson 578A (1946)Philco 38-14T (1938)Zenith 5-D-011 (1946)Zenith 6-D-539 (1941)Emerson EH-342 (1941)General Electric F-74 (1938)Sonora RCU-208 (1946)Airline 62-702 (1939)
Panasonic RE-7273 (1972)Philco 41-231T (1941)Grundig 941WHallicrafters S-38EECA 132RCA 96T4 (1939)Zenith E430W (1971)
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