the Radio Attic

Joe Millward's Attic

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Emerson CH-256 "Stradivarius" (1939)Zenith 7-S-323 (1939)RCA 128 (1935)Silvertone 1905 (1936)Emerson BF-214 (1939)Zenith 5-S-127 (1937)Zenith 6-S-27 (1936)American Bosch 660-T (1936)Willard Radio (model unknown, 1932)Willard Radio (model unknown, 1932)
Stewart-Warner R-110AT (1933)Airline 62-317 (1936)Zenith 5-S-29 (1936)Zenith 5-S-218 "Cube" (1938)Silvertone 45 (1935)Mastercrafters 029 "Radio Cruiser" (1941)Zenith 5-J-217 "Cube" (1938)Silvertone 4665 (1937)Arvin 417 "Rhythm Baby" (1936)General Television "ME" (1938)
Zenith 7-S-28 (1936)Zenith 6-S-128 (1937)Climax (model unknown, 1932?)Zenith 5-S-228 (1938)Stewart-Warner R-1272 "Prado" (1934)Stewart Warner 07-514H (1939)Howard 375 (1938)Detrola 159 (1937)General Electric Junior S-22x "Clock Radio" (1931)Crosley 615 "Cruiser" (1936)
Zenith 10-S-130 (1937)Zenith 7-S-232 "Walton" (1938)Arvin 417 "Rhythm Baby" (1936)Atwater Kent 206 (1934)Crosley 167 "Dual Fiver" (1934)Emerson BF-204 (1938)Airline 62-425 "Indian Head" (1937)Firestone S-7403-7 "The Strafford" (1941)Stewart Warner R-1261 "York" (1934)Stewart-Warner R-1271 "The Bond" (1934)
Silvertone 1954 (1935)Stewart-Warner Dealers Showroom Album (1933)Philco 45C "Butterfly" (1934)Zenith 4-V-31 "Farm Radio" (1935)Zenith 5-S-119 (1937)Grunow 670 (1934)Philco 90 (1931)Sentinel 293W (1946)Crosley 179 "Dual Seventy" (1934)Emerson AR-176 (1938)
Zenith 7-S-433 "Zephyr" (1940)Zenith 10-S-130 (1937)Zenith 9-S-324 (1939)Silvertone 4565 (1937)RCA 143 (1934)Hammarlund HQ-180 (1966)
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