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Airline radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Greg Van Beek's Nostalgia Radio Attic.

Airline 04WG-731B (1940)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Airline 04WG-731B (1940)


If you were paging through the Montgomery Ward catalog in 1940, this stylish Airline brand radio would certainly have caught your eye. The AM/SW seven-tube receiver has a "super sensitive built-in Air Wave loop aerial system" that really pulls in the stations from its totally recapped chassis. Controls were cleaned and lubricated for smooth operation. A strong tested set of tubes and a new line cord in addition to new wiring to the antenna to replace the badly deteriorated original. The cabinet finish is all original save the for the top which was refinished using matching toner and topped off with a spray of clear enamel. New grille cloth, and the original back cover is still in nice shape. 17"W x 9-1/2"H x 8"D.

Airline 04WG-731B (1940)


If you were paging through the Montgomery Ward catalog in 1940, this stylish Airline brand radio would certainly have caught your eye. The AM/SW seven-tube receiver has a "super sensitive built-in Air Wave loop aerial system" that really pulls in the stations from its totally recapped chassis. Controls were cleaned and lubricated for smooth operation. A strong tested set of tubes and a new line cord in addition to new wiring to the antenna to replace the badly deteriorated original. The cabinet finish is all original save the for the top which was refinished using matching toner and topped off with a spray of clear enamel. New grille cloth, and the original back cover is still in nice shape. 17"W x 9-1/2"H x 8"D.

Reported sold by Greg Van Beek on July 7, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $159.00
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