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the Radio Attic
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Forrest Anderson's Radio Attic.

Synchrodyne Deluxe (1924?)
(wood tube casket radio)

Synchrodyne Deluxe (1924?)


Nice wood cabinet few scratches. Battery operated set with two headphone jacks and speaker connection. Excellent reception; hold your finger on antenna and pick up stations. Replaced five 01A tubes with new ones, repaired sockets and cleaned controls.

Synchrodyne Deluxe (1924?)


Nice wood cabinet few scratches. Battery operated set with two headphone jacks and speaker connection. Excellent reception; hold your finger on antenna and pick up stations. Replaced five 01A tubes with new ones, repaired sockets and cleaned controls.

Reported sold by Forrest Anderson on August 1, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $120.00
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