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Hammarlund radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Bob Atchison's Attic.

Hammarlund HQ-140X Communication Receiver
(metal communications gear w/SW)

Hammarlund HQ-140X Communication Receiver


This radio works fine. I recapped it and put resistors where needed. I didn't align it because it seems to be pretty well on target already. I don't get short wave where I live but I got the tone from my signal generator through on all bands and of course the broadcast band comes thru loud and clear. Only one modification was that I took out the original electrolytic and put metal tape over the hole. The new eledtro's are under the chassis on new terminal strips. The speaker was made from an old bell box. Also the full instruction manual is included (Good old BAMA). It weighs about 50 lbs (it is a boat anchor) so figure about 57 lbs for shipping. 20"W x 11"H x 12-1/2"D.

Hammarlund HQ-140X Communication Receiver


This radio works fine. I recapped it and put resistors where needed. I didn't align it because it seems to be pretty well on target already. I don't get short wave where I live but I got the tone from my signal generator through on all bands and of course the broadcast band comes thru loud and clear. Only one modification was that I took out the original electrolytic and put metal tape over the hole. The new eledtro's are under the chassis on new terminal strips. The speaker was made from an old bell box. Also the full instruction manual is included (Good old BAMA). It weighs about 50 lbs (it is a boat anchor) so figure about 57 lbs for shipping. 20"W x 11"H x 12-1/2"D.

Reported sold by Bob Atchison on March 26, 2018
Listed price on date of sale - $225.00
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