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Belmont radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Kenny Boyd's Attic.

Belmont 41A Cathedral (1932)
(wood tube cathedral radio)

Belmont 41A Cathedral (1932)


This set is one of the prettiest little Cathedral sets I have seen. This set has its original finish, in good condition, we just brightened it up a little. The chassis looks as good as the cabinet itself; lots of detailing went into this set to make it a prize winner. The chassis has been electronically restored as well, replacing all capacitors and out of tolerance resistors. This radio is fairly scarce, and this one is a fine example. This set will set off any room or collection anywhere. 13"H x 11"W x 8"D.

Belmont 41A Cathedral (1932)


This set is one of the prettiest little Cathedral sets I have seen. This set has its original finish, in good condition, we just brightened it up a little. The chassis looks as good as the cabinet itself; lots of detailing went into this set to make it a prize winner. The chassis has been electronically restored as well, replacing all capacitors and out of tolerance resistors. This radio is fairly scarce, and this one is a fine example. This set will set off any room or collection anywhere. 13"H x 11"W x 8"D.

Reported sold by Kenny Boyd on July 15, 2009
Listed price on date of sale - $399.00
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