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Packard-Bell radios sold!

Packard-Bell 48 (1948)
(wood tube table radio)

Packard-Bell 48 (1948)


Seven tubes plus transformer ballast. BCB. PB amd SW (5.8-18.5 MHz). Electronically servived with new components, the set performs well with full sound and tone. At the time of manufacture, PB (police band) was lively entertainment. Today, however, the band is inactive except for harmonics and images of poerful BCB stations. SW (shortwave) is another story--there are plenty of international signals with English language broadcasts. China and Viet Nam both offer interesting music on strong transmitters. For best reception a good antenna is necessary. The veneer on top was damaged (rest of cabinet is solid wood) and replaced with walnut burl.

Packard-Bell 48 (1948)


Seven tubes plus transformer ballast. BCB. PB amd SW (5.8-18.5 MHz). Electronically servived with new components, the set performs well with full sound and tone. At the time of manufacture, PB (police band) was lively entertainment. Today, however, the band is inactive except for harmonics and images of poerful BCB stations. SW (shortwave) is another story--there are plenty of international signals with English language broadcasts. China and Viet Nam both offer interesting music on strong transmitters. For best reception a good antenna is necessary. The veneer on top was damaged (rest of cabinet is solid wood) and replaced with walnut burl.

Reported sold on May 9, 2008
Listed price on date of sale - $275.00
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