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Sparton radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Ron Potter's Attic.

Sparton 1281 Console
(wood tube console radio)

Sparton 1281 Console


This set plays broadcast and shortwave superbly through push-pull dual Hi-Mu 6AC5 and 6P5 output and driver tubes. I ran this set next to my Zenith Stratosphere and with the exception of more Zenith bass, this set sounded better in the midrange and had overall better clarity. This is a real sleeper for listening pleasure! Comes with 12 tubes including a strong green tuning strength indicator tube. The finish and grille cloth are original and in excellent condition.

Sparton 1281 Console


This set plays broadcast and shortwave superbly through push-pull dual Hi-Mu 6AC5 and 6P5 output and driver tubes. I ran this set next to my Zenith Stratosphere and with the exception of more Zenith bass, this set sounded better in the midrange and had overall better clarity. This is a real sleeper for listening pleasure! Comes with 12 tubes including a strong green tuning strength indicator tube. The finish and grille cloth are original and in excellent condition.

Reported sold by Ron Potter on December 5, 2010
Listed price on date of sale - $1,050.00
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