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Jewel radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Bob Horace's Attic.

Jewel 500 (1947)
(wood tube table radio)

Jewel 500 (1947)


This is a pretty wooden AM radio made in 1947. It has five tubes and a 5-inch speaker. I replaced all the electrolyte and wax capacitors. All tubes were checked good. It was cleaned, lubed, and aligned. The wooden case is in excellent condition. One year warranty. The radio will be shipped back to you by USPS Priority which only takes 2-3 days. 12"W x 9"H x 6-1/2"D.

Jewel 500 (1947)


This is a pretty wooden AM radio made in 1947. It has five tubes and a 5-inch speaker. I replaced all the electrolyte and wax capacitors. All tubes were checked good. It was cleaned, lubed, and aligned. The wooden case is in excellent condition. One year warranty. The radio will be shipped back to you by USPS Priority which only takes 2-3 days. 12"W x 9"H x 6-1/2"D.

Reported sold by Bob Horace on August 6, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $145.00
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