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Zenith radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Bob Horace's Attic.

Zenith R-520/URR Military Trans-Oceanic (1953)
(cloth/leather tube portable radio w/SW)

Zenith R-520/URR Military Trans-Oceanic (1953)


The R-520/URR is a highly modified H500 built to military specs and only 5000 were made. Therefore they are the best playing and best in frequency pickup then either the 500 or 600's. The cabinet were covered in Brown oil cloth. This one was used as you can see blemished in the oil cloth. The chassis and component were dipped in a special fungicide and humidity protective bath. This one comes with antenna cord for the wavemagnet, extra tubes, fuses and a repro operating instruction book. A rare radio for a great price.

Zenith R-520/URR Military Trans-Oceanic (1953)


The R-520/URR is a highly modified H500 built to military specs and only 5000 were made. Therefore they are the best playing and best in frequency pickup then either the 500 or 600's. The cabinet were covered in Brown oil cloth. This one was used as you can see blemished in the oil cloth. The chassis and component were dipped in a special fungicide and humidity protective bath. This one comes with antenna cord for the wavemagnet, extra tubes, fuses and a repro operating instruction book. A rare radio for a great price.

Reported sold by Bob Horace on June 23, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $845.00
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