the Radio Attic
Terms and Conditions Here are the Radio Attic's terms and conditions for opening your own page at the Radio Attic.  Updated May 25, 2021.

In a Nutshell  (but please keep reading)
The Radio Attic will advertise your radio until it sells for 5% of the initial selling price (minimum $5).  That was easy!

Ads I Accept
The Radio Attic accepts for-sale ads for old radio and radio-related items, vintage audio, amateur radio and military equipment, old televisions, phonographs, test equipment, and novelty/replica radios.  Each ad must include at least one photograph of the item being sold.  All items must be accurately described, to include operating condition.  Non-working items are allowed, but sellers must state clearly that items are non-working; sellers must also state if any bands of multi-band sets are not working.   Sellers must agree to respond in a timely manner to all inquiries from potential buyers.  

The Radio Attic does not accept ads for unrelated parts or accessories.  Specifically, the following items are no longer allowed:
    a) Individual tubes & sockets.
    b) Electronic parts, accessories, or electrical/mechanical components of any kind, except for component vintage speakers and antennas (sold separately from radios).
    c) Tools, including soldering equipment.
    d) Empty cabinets & chassis without cabinets.
    e) Crystals or crystal components.
    f) Recording accessories (tape, reels, demagnetizing equipment).
    g) Recorded media (tapes, records).
    h) Wire.
    i) Incomplete radios or "parts sets" (my determination).
    j) "Franken-radios," or radios which have been stripped of their vintage innards and replaced with modern circuitry.  Replacement of potentially hazardous components such as Selenium rectifiers or "curtain-burner" resistance power cords is allowed, as is the replacement of diode tubes with solid-state substitutes, or the addition of circuitry to allow connection to other sound sources or reproducing devices.

The following special categories of items are still allowed at this time:
    a) Display tubes (intended for display or with inherent standalone collector value).
    b) Radio-related advertising memorabilia such as signs, displays, etc.
    c) Display or collectible radio-related items such as toys, books, or service manuals.
    d) Items with standalone collector value (we can discuss specific items).


I've set a minimum of six or more radios (depending on value, cosmetic appearance, and other factors) for new advertisers. I am also evaluating restoration status as a condition for inclusion in the Attic in an effort to spotlight high quality restored consumer radios. This is intended to focus on advertisers who intend to establish a semi-permanent presence on the site.

New advertisers with one or two radios on the site usually have a difficult time getting visitors to their Attic pages unless their radios are of unquestionably high quality.  Non-consumer-radio items do not do well here if that is all there is on a page; most people come to the Radio Attic looking for radios, not for sound equipment or other electronics.  That's just the way it is.

What all this means is that not everyone is guaranteed a page on this site.  The Radio Attic is not like a newspaper, where you pay your money and your ad gets published.  It's not like eBay either, where no one cares about the way you do business unless they are threatened with a lawsuit.  New sellers are here by invitation only.  As much as the quality of radios you have for sale, I care about the quality of the "residents" of this web site.  So if you want to sell radios here, e-mail me and let's talk. 

I will want to see photos, descriptions, and prices of the initial group of radios you want to advertise.  Please also tell me about your radio collecting history, how many radios you intend to sell here, and whether or not you are looking for a permanent place to sell your radios.  Please don't expect an invitation to sell your radios here before I get to know you at least a little bit.

I charge a $100 setup fee, payable after you are invited to participate. This setup fee is not refundable, but it will be credited to your account and used for payment of your monthly invoices. The credits will continue monthly, until you recover the entire $100. Setting up new accounts has gotten time-consuming, but I chose this approach rather than a separate setup fee.

Run Time
Your ad will run until your radio is sold.  I publish all new ads within 72 hours. 

Your "Attic"
Your attic consists of your own page on this web site.  It will include a means of contact at the top, thumbnail photos of your radios with descriptions (see below), and a visitor count at the bottom.  Each ad will consist of your photo along with a brief description and your selling price.  In addition to the description, the ad will include any or all of the following, as requested by you:
        a) your name 
        b) your address
        c) your phone number
        d) a link to your E-mail address
The ad will include a link to a 800 pixels wide (max) image; vertically oriented radios (tombstones, lowboys, etc.) will be sized at no more than 800 pixels high.  Small ads for your restoration or repair business may be included at the top of your page also.  Sold radios will be marked as such for 30 days and then archived.  

Length of Ad Wording
I edit ads to 1,200 characters, including spaces.   But I hate to do that, so please keep your ads within this limit.  Once I edit an ad, I get really cranky if you ask me to make changes to it.

Ad Pricing
Cost for an advertisement is 5% of the original selling price of each radio, minimum $5.  A discounted fee applies to high-value (over $1,000) radios; e-mail me for details.  Up to five additional photos may be added to an advertisement for no additional charge.  Ads with only one photo have a $1 minimum fee.  If you have a graphic logo, I will insert it at the top of your page for a $5 one-time fee. 

Methods of Payment
I accept payment by PayPal, personal check and money order.  I will not post your initial ads until I receive payment; however, once you're an established customer I will publish your ad immediately and wait patiently for your payment after your monthly invoice is sent.

Payment Policies
Invoices are sent by e-mail to active accounts on the first day of each month; this will include all ads published during the previous calendar month.  Invoice amounts are payable in full in 30 days from the date of the invoice, or by the date of any subsequent invoice, whichever is sooner.  After that, an account becomes late.  The "system" will send an e-mail reminder three days before payment is due.  I will accept no new ads for late accounts until the late amount is paid in full.  After 60 days, an account becomes delinquent.  Delinquent accounts will be closed and Attic pages removed without further warning.  To reinstate a closed Attic page, the seller will have to pay the entire amount due on the account, plus a reinstatement fee of $50.

Submitting Photographs
Photos for ads should be sent as e-mail attachments by using an ad submit form (each active seller has an individual URL for the form).  If you do not have e-mail, you can send photos by postal mail.  The Radio Attic will scan your photos free.  I will crop your photo to maximize its size in a thumbnail image.   You are allowed to send up to six photos or images; I will put an ad together that best displays (in my opinion) your item for sale for your approval.  Only one image or thumbnail will be shown on your attic page; all additional photos will appear when the thumbnail or additional photo link is clicked on.  The thumbnail photo will appear in your ad at 150 pixels wide for uniformity (tall items will be shown at 150 pixels high). 

Use of Photographs
All images, whether sent by the seller or scanned by me, become my property.   If you want your photographs returned, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope; otherwise the photographs become my property also.  By sending me a photo, you assure me that the photo is owned by you and not copyrighted by anyone else.  Visitors may not download, link to, or upload images to any other web site for any commercial purpose without the express written permission of the Webmaster.  The only exception to this policy is for the Radio Attic's advertisers; they may do so only during the time the radio is advertised for sale at the Radio Attic.   Any other use of these images constitutes theft.

Changes to Ads
Please consider carefully the wording of your ad.  You will receive an acknowledgement e-mail for every ad submitted; please check your wording and send corrections right away.  The acknowledgement e-mail will also list the file names of all submitted photographs; please check to be sure that all your images were received and that you did not send duplicate images.  You may reduce your selling price at any time; selling prices may not be increased without an increase in posting fee. 
If I make an error in your ad text, I will of course make any necessary corrections as soon as I am notified.  I do spell-check.

At your request, I will mark individual radios "on sale."  During that time, I will include both the old price and the new price in your ad.  I will also mark each radio on your Attic page with a "SALE" graphic and the date through which your sale runs.  The "SALE" graphic will also appear by your name on the main for-sale page.  If your radio has not sold by the end of your sale, I will either leave the sale price or restore the original price, whichever you request (this must be done when you request the sale).  I will not charge a fee for making these changes, but please no sales longer than 60 days.

Buyer Satisfaction
The Radio Attic will not act as mediator between buyers and sellers (don't even ask).  I cannot be responsible for any misrepresentations on the sellers' parts.  However, I would like to be notified if any buyer has a serious problem with an advertiser.  If I feel that any particular advertiser has received an unduly large number of legitimate complaints, or if I receive conclusive proof that an advertiser has intentionally or repeatedly misrepresented a radio or radios for sale, that person's ads may be terminated without refund.  While I cannot guarantee satisfaction, I feel that this trading medium is much more buyer-friendly than either online auctions or anonymous newsgroup ads.   My advertisers sold over 1,300 radios last year with only a handful of complaints, most of which were resolved to the buyer's satisfaction.   After a sale, sellers must resolve any differences between themselves and buyers as quickly as possible, and if the buyer is not satisfied, to refund the purchase price upon return of an item in its sold condition.  I do not require my sellers to take returns for reasons of defects or operating condition stated in the ad.  A buyer may not return a non-working radio because it doesn't work, if it was advertised as such, for example.

Selling as An Agent for Another Party
Selling at the Radio Attic is done by invitation only.  You as an invited seller have agreed to comply with this web site's terms as a prerequisite of that invitation.  Thus, selling a radio for a friend is not permitted, as your friend has not agreed to comply with these terms and conditions.  This could lead to a problem if a buyer is dissatisfied with a purchase and wants a refund or other consideration after the sale.  You as the invited seller will be responsible for the business conduct of any uninvited seller and your Attic page may be in jeopardy as a result.  While this rule is probably impossible for me to control, you as the invited seller assume all risk if you violate this rule.

Other Conditions
The Radio Attic reserves the right to refuse an ad from any person for any reason.   When corresponding with me, please include your assigned advertiser number; if your correspondence refers to a particular ad, please include the ad number also; that will be a great help to me.  If your page has no radios on it, it will be closed; you may re-open your page with one new ad as long as it has been less than six months since your page was closed.  Re-opening your page after six months will require you to begin as a new seller (re-stating your promise to comply with the site's terms and submitting at least six new ads).  Once an ad is published to the web site, no refunds will be given if the ad is removed for any reason.

Simultaneous Advertising: or, Why Radio Attics ads and eBay don't mix!
I realize sellers have a right to sell their radios wherever they wish. However, I view attempts to sell a radio at the Radio Attic and simultaneously at an on-line auction site to be an attempt to secure a possible higher selling price when a lower fixed price is offered at this site. This leads to buyer confusion, and may create some buyer ill will towards this web site. Therefore, I insist that any radios offered for sale at the Radio Attic NOT be placed on auction (eBay or any other auction site) while your ad is running. Violators of this rule will risk having their Attic ads canceled without refund. If a seller "gives up" on a particular radio, I will remove an ad without refund so the radio may be auctioned (radios that don't sell on auction may be re-listed here at no charge). Radios may be sold simultaneously at the Radio Attic and at seller-owned and commercial web sites (such as Etsy and others similar). 

If you sell a radio
Please notify me when you sell a radio as a result of your ad so I can add it to the "brag count" on the Home page.  Just send an e-mail telling me which radio sold.  I'll mark the radio "SOLD" in the ad as soon as I can.  I would also appreciate it if you would let me know how the buyer found this site; please do not include the buyer's name or address.  Sorry, but I will not refund any portion of your ad price if you sell your radio for less than its original offering price.

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Radios for sale at the Radio Attic are offered by independent advertisers and not by the Webmaster.
Sellers are identified at the top of each page.  You must directly contact the seller to purchase a radio.

© 1999, 2025  the Radio Attic