Mike Boessen's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2018"

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Philco Transistor Bookshelf Radio
(plastic replica radio w/FM)

Philco Transistor Bookshelf Radio

SALE!  Among many things I have "fallen heir" to is this cute little Philco branded transistor bookshelf radio. AM/FM with built in antennas. Sound is pretty good, and receiver sensitivity isn't bad. Runs on four "D" cells, included. Not sure who is the target audience for this, and no idea its value, but I guess I'll list it here and see what happens.  Was $49.00, now $39.00. (1680142)

Philco Transistor Bookshelf Radio

SALE!  Among many things I have "fallen heir" to is this cute little Philco branded transistor bookshelf radio. AM/FM with built in antennas. Sound is pretty good, and receiver sensitivity isn't bad. Runs on four "D" cells, included. Not sure who is the target audience for this, and no idea its value, but I guess I'll list it here and see what happens.  Was $49.00, now $39.00. (1680142)
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