Mike Boessen's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2018"

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General Electric 7-2927A
(plastic transistor shirtpocket radio w/FM)

General Electric 7-2927A

SALE!  A quick look around my site will tell you this isn't my usual thing. A good friend gave me this GE transistor set with the dial stuck. I got that fixed, so here it is. This is not terribly old. I would guess late 80s? There is a date code: 3733 in the battery box if that helps. It is a very nice and very well made little radio. AM/FM/TVHI/TVLO. Reception is very good on FM, and not bad on AM. Large, easy to read dial, and pretty good sound for a "pocket" transistor. Fairly heavy. Battery included! 6"H x 3-1/2"W x 1-3/4"D.  Was $49.00, now $39.00. (1680139)

General Electric 7-2927A

SALE!  A quick look around my site will tell you this isn't my usual thing. A good friend gave me this GE transistor set with the dial stuck. I got that fixed, so here it is. This is not terribly old. I would guess late 80s? There is a date code: 3733 in the battery box if that helps. It is a very nice and very well made little radio. AM/FM/TVHI/TVLO. Reception is very good on FM, and not bad on AM. Large, easy to read dial, and pretty good sound for a "pocket" transistor. Fairly heavy. Battery included! 6"H x 3-1/2"W x 1-3/4"D.  Was $49.00, now $39.00. (1680139)
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