Joe Millward's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2017"

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Grunow 750 "World Cruiser" (1935)
(wood tube tombstone radio w/SW)

Grunow 750 "World Cruiser" (1935)

We have mentioned the bankruptcy and split up in 1932 of Grigsby-Grunow based in Chicago. By the time the model 750 came out, they had recaptured the market with quality radios and exquisite cabinetry. The 750 was Grunow's top-of-the-line table radio in 1935. This large seven-tube, four-band (SB,SWx2,police) beauty sported twin gangs on the AM tuner for greater sensitivity and lots of volume through the original 8-inch Grunow speaker. Their cabinet work played second fiddle to no one, and the 750 is no exception. All of the capacitors were replaced. The resistors and tubes checked and replaced where needed. A safety fuse, power cord and external audio cable were added. Gary stripped the cabinet and refinished it using the best grain fillers, toners and finished with a "piano" lacquer finish. Notice the book matched Walnut in the front with contrasting colors. The original knobs, chassis and speaker are included. This stunning radio will grace any collection, and it can be yours in a matter of days! 20"H x 16-1/4"W x 12"D.  $895.00. (1600508)

Grunow 750 "World Cruiser" (1935)

We have mentioned the bankruptcy and split up in 1932 of Grigsby-Grunow based in Chicago. By the time the model 750 came out, they had recaptured the market with quality radios and exquisite cabinetry. The 750 was Grunow's top-of-the-line table radio in 1935. This large seven-tube, four-band (SB,SWx2,police) beauty sported twin gangs on the AM tuner for greater sensitivity and lots of volume through the original 8-inch Grunow speaker. Their cabinet work played second fiddle to no one, and the 750 is no exception. All of the capacitors were replaced. The resistors and tubes checked and replaced where needed. A safety fuse, power cord and external audio cable were added. Gary stripped the cabinet and refinished it using the best grain fillers, toners and finished with a "piano" lacquer finish. Notice the book matched Walnut in the front with contrasting colors. The original knobs, chassis and speaker are included. This stunning radio will grace any collection, and it can be yours in a matter of days! 20"H x 16-1/4"W x 12"D.  $895.00. (1600508)
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