Exceptional Radios LLC
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since July 2007"

the Radio Attic

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Wilcox-Gay A-33 (1937)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Wilcox-Gay A-33 (1937)

Here is an interesting radio! Wilcox-Gay was a factory based in Charlotte, Michigan and made some very high quality and unusually styled radios. The radio sports what became the rage in the 1937-8 period with a rotary telephone type of dial selector which allows you to preset and "dial" your favorite station. The radio is a six tube model offering both am and shortwave abilities. The cabinet is in original condition with a modest amount of wear but acceptable for an 82 year old. I believe the speaker cloth has been replaced and the knobs as well. Overall it is a desirable radio to own. My tech has completed his highly professional repairs and the set is a fine performer. His work included adding a mini-jack to allow your connection of any modern device. AM transmitter and Bluetooth options are available starting at $25! Click here for details! 17"W x 10"H x 7"D.  $695.00. (0961626)

We proudly announce a terrific additional item to our shop!  This is a low battery power full FCC compliant am transmitter!  It will work with all of your radios and the ones purchased here.  In addition, it is also a Bluetooth device and digital fm receiver.  Now you can finally listen to FM through your entire radio collection!  THESE ARE ONLY AVAILABLE WITH A PURCHASE OF ONE OF OUR RADIOS FOR ONLY $99.99!  Giving these innovated products a complete test both I and my tech give the device two thumbs UP!

All of our radios have preinstalled mini-jacks at no additional charge.  These are installed with no damage to the integrity of the radio or cabinet damage.  These will allow you to input to your old radio from any modern device.  These include phones, pad and computers.  I enjoy listening through my broadband connection.  My favorites are: pandora.com, iheart.com, and internet-radio.com.  The content is prerecorded, live FM, and shortwave and free.

Bluetooth adaptors available with a simple add on.  The cost is $25.  Stream audio to your radio from any Bluetooth enabled device.  The range of these units is 25-30 feet.

Wilcox-Gay A-33 (1937)

Here is an interesting radio! Wilcox-Gay was a factory based in Charlotte, Michigan and made some very high quality and unusually styled radios. The radio sports what became the rage in the 1937-8 period with a rotary telephone type of dial selector which allows you to preset and "dial" your favorite station. The radio is a six tube model offering both am and shortwave abilities. The cabinet is in original condition with a modest amount of wear but acceptable for an 82 year old. I believe the speaker cloth has been replaced and the knobs as well. Overall it is a desirable radio to own. My tech has completed his highly professional repairs and the set is a fine performer. His work included adding a mini-jack to allow your connection of any modern device. AM transmitter and Bluetooth options are available starting at $25! Click here for details! 17"W x 10"H x 7"D.  $695.00. (0961626)
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