Jim Dennis' Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since February 2004"

the Radio Attic
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Westinghouse H-126 (1946)
(Bakelite tube table radio)

Westinghouse H-126 (1946)

I don't have to tell you the "Columbus of the Obvious"...it's Bakelite, soft cream and very handsome. And, you already know the "rest of the story." It has been repainted sometime in the not too distant past. Outstanding condition for sure! Columbus would have been proud to own this Westinghouse and have it blaring on the Santa Maria when "they docked at the bay!" Electronically reconditioned with new capacitors including electrolytics and all out of tolerance resistors have been replaced. The six tubes are strong. Note the external antenna connection for greater station sensitivity. A Jim Dennis Scale of Beauty 10+ "Land Ahoy, you guys" Special! If you'd like additional pictures please let me know. 9"H x 5-3/4"W x 5-1/4"D.  $225.00. (0510637)

Westinghouse H-126 (1946)

I don't have to tell you the "Columbus of the Obvious"...it's Bakelite, soft cream and very handsome. And, you already know the "rest of the story." It has been repainted sometime in the not too distant past. Outstanding condition for sure! Columbus would have been proud to own this Westinghouse and have it blaring on the Santa Maria when "they docked at the bay!" Electronically reconditioned with new capacitors including electrolytics and all out of tolerance resistors have been replaced. The six tubes are strong. Note the external antenna connection for greater station sensitivity. A Jim Dennis Scale of Beauty 10+ "Land Ahoy, you guys" Special! If you'd like additional pictures please let me know. 9"H x 5-3/4"W x 5-1/4"D.  $225.00. (0510637)
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