Jim Dennis' Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since February 2004"

the Radio Attic
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Emerson 426 Portable (1941)
(Bakelite tube portable radio)

Emerson 426 Portable (1941)

The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are history for 2016 at least for this part of the country, but not for portable radio lovers! It's always summer to us! And, it's beach-able if you have the dry cell batteries. Of course, it's AC for home use, too. This beautiful brown Bakelite Emerson is in fabulous condition! The knobs are slightly warped, but old plastic does that. Electronically reconditioned and aligned with new paper and electrolytic capacitors. All out of tolerance resistors were replaced. There is an external antenna connection for greater station sensitivity. A Jim Dennis Scale of Beauty "AC/DC Special!" If you'd like additional pictures please let me know. 12-1/2"W 8-1/4"H x 5"D.  $200.00. (0510557)

Emerson 426 Portable (1941)

The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are history for 2016 at least for this part of the country, but not for portable radio lovers! It's always summer to us! And, it's beach-able if you have the dry cell batteries. Of course, it's AC for home use, too. This beautiful brown Bakelite Emerson is in fabulous condition! The knobs are slightly warped, but old plastic does that. Electronically reconditioned and aligned with new paper and electrolytic capacitors. All out of tolerance resistors were replaced. There is an external antenna connection for greater station sensitivity. A Jim Dennis Scale of Beauty "AC/DC Special!" If you'd like additional pictures please let me know. 12-1/2"W 8-1/4"H x 5"D.  $200.00. (0510557)
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