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Click on any radio to see a larger photo. Prices do not include shipping & handling. Why purchase from me? Click here for my terms & conditions. Click here to read some kind words from my satisfied customers. |
"As advertised. Most sellers underdescribe or overdescribe. Yours are on the mark" -- T.L. Montreal,Canada "I always am assured of what I'm getting from you, never any surprises, thanks a lot" -- J.P. Massachusetts "The Setchell Carlson looked too good to pass up, and I was right, thanks!" -- B.B. South Dakota "All three radios arrived very nice." -- T.O. Kyoto, Japan "Looks great. Everybody loves it! Thrilled, in fact. You get rave reviews. Thanks! -- J.R. California "The Emerson is a real beauty, thank you!" -- D.S., Wellington, New Zealand "Just a note to let you know I am very pleased with both radios." -- U.A., Moscow, Russia "Thanks Tom, I learned a thing or two about proper packing" -- B.W., Texas "Very refreshing to get a radio the same as described on the net" -- T.K., N.Y.C. "Just like it was described & pictured; thanks" -- R.R., Florida "I have acquired several radios from you over the years & it's always been what I see is what I get, thanks again Tom." -- M.G., Arizona "Nice radio, professional packing." -- T.T., B.C., Canada "All three radios arrived and are wonderful!" -- G.V., Rome, Italy "Thanks again the Crosley looks super!" -- C.V., Iowa "The Jewel arrived today. It's an extremely pretty set. I'm very pleased!" -- Your Friendly Webmaster |
The restored & exceptionally fine radios I offer are not intended
to be at bargain prices. The radios you see on my page
represent multiple hours of my time making sure they perform &
look their best. Premium radios demand a premium price.
Nearly all radios I have are in the upper 5% of their cosmetic
condition and from my personal collection. I'm very
particular & know few who go to the extent I do in performing a
restoration. My sales go to those who appreciate this fine
detailed attention to restoration. Many of my radio sales go
to repeat customers who appreciate consistency and quality.
My prices are usually no more costly than what you would pay to
purchase a radio as-is, then pay to have it properly restored. When you purchase one of my restored radios you can count on it being "top shelf" and ready to "play & display!" Ask yourself these questions then decide if you are looking for low cost or a good value.
If you answer yes, you'll like dealing with me. |
You are visitor number 361 to Tom Voegtli's Attic this year. |
Radios for sale
at the Radio Attic are offered by independent sellers and not by the Webmaster.
Sellers are identified at the top of each page. You must directly contact
the seller to purchase a radio.
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