Scott Thomas' Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since June 2023"

the Radio Attic

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Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)
(wood tube table radio)

Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)

This is the famous Eames designed Zenith Radio. This AA6 radio is recapped and plays well across the band. This radio is unusual because it is a factory painted radio. I have not touched the cabinet, so it shows its nearly 80 year old finish and the price reflects that.  $259.00. (1830027)

Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)

This is the famous Eames designed Zenith Radio. This AA6 radio is recapped and plays well across the band. This radio is unusual because it is a factory painted radio. I have not touched the cabinet, so it shows its nearly 80 year old finish and the price reflects that.  $259.00. (1830027)
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