Jeff Moreland's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since December 2016"

the Radio Attic
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Homemade Treasure Chest
(wood other radio)

Homemade Treasure Chest

This is a homemade radio using a 1939 RCA model 9TX21 chassis and I'm guessing an old jewelry box. No dial scale, just a window with the original RCA pointer underneath. The chassis has been restored with new capacitors and checked resistors. Plays well with a long wire antenna. 10"W x 7"H x 7"D with lid closed.  $99.00. (1550033)

Homemade Treasure Chest

This is a homemade radio using a 1939 RCA model 9TX21 chassis and I'm guessing an old jewelry box. No dial scale, just a window with the original RCA pointer underneath. The chassis has been restored with new capacitors and checked resistors. Plays well with a long wire antenna. 10"W x 7"H x 7"D with lid closed.  $99.00. (1550033)
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