Palette's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since June 2012"

the Radio Attic
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Sparton 517 Mini Tombstone (1930s)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Sparton 517 Mini Tombstone (1930s)

This radio receives on AM and Shortwave. It has not been mechanically repaired while in our possession. The cabinet was refinished by Hershel Weiss in a subtle two-tone manner.  $550.00. (1300045)

Sparton 517 Mini Tombstone (1930s)

This radio receives on AM and Shortwave. It has not been mechanically repaired while in our possession. The cabinet was refinished by Hershel Weiss in a subtle two-tone manner.  $550.00. (1300045)
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