Tim Moen's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since March 2012"

the Radio Attic
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Goodyear 602A "Wings" (1937)
(Plaskon tube table radio)

Goodyear 602A "Wings" (1937)

Here is a very rare Art Deco radio made by Belmont for the Goodyear tire company. This is the same radio as the Belmont "Scottie." The electronics have been restored and it works good with a long wire for an antenna. The Plaskon case has a couple of stress cracks even with the volume knob. There are three small ones at the back by the grille bars. The radio displays well. I have not seen one listed on the Attic before so take advantage of this rare set. 11"W x 8"H x 7"D.  $295.00. (1270295)

Goodyear 602A "Wings" (1937)

Here is a very rare Art Deco radio made by Belmont for the Goodyear tire company. This is the same radio as the Belmont "Scottie." The electronics have been restored and it works good with a long wire for an antenna. The Plaskon case has a couple of stress cracks even with the volume knob. There are three small ones at the back by the grille bars. The radio displays well. I have not seen one listed on the Attic before so take advantage of this rare set. 11"W x 8"H x 7"D.  $295.00. (1270295)
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