Kenny Boyd's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since September 2004"

the Radio Attic
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Emerson AM-187 "Pagoda" (1937)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Emerson AM-187 "Pagoda" (1937)

Here is one of the most unusual and seldom seen repwood sets made. These sets were antiqued by hand from the factory; Silver leaf was used as well as traces of red and shadowing. These sets were expensive, as this is the best performing repwood set I've ever owned. Most repwood sets were cheap radios that did not perform well. There isn't much info out there on these as there weren't many made, and very seldom does one come up for sale. The information was given to me by an avid Emerson collector, and a collector that collects nothing but repwood sets. This set still retains its original wood back, with its model number stamped in it. The chassis is clean and rust free and the speaker is flawless. The chassis was electronically restored, cleaning all pots and switches, changing of all filter and paper caps, new cloth line cord, etc. This set has a lot of volume and picks up a lot of stations across the dial. The set has both BC and SW bands. This is a very unique set and I've had it for ten years; the last one I've seen for sale was this one. 14-1/2"W x 9"H x 7"D.  $595.00. (0620206)

Emerson AM-187 "Pagoda" (1937)

Here is one of the most unusual and seldom seen repwood sets made. These sets were antiqued by hand from the factory; Silver leaf was used as well as traces of red and shadowing. These sets were expensive, as this is the best performing repwood set I've ever owned. Most repwood sets were cheap radios that did not perform well. There isn't much info out there on these as there weren't many made, and very seldom does one come up for sale. The information was given to me by an avid Emerson collector, and a collector that collects nothing but repwood sets. This set still retains its original wood back, with its model number stamped in it. The chassis is clean and rust free and the speaker is flawless. The chassis was electronically restored, cleaning all pots and switches, changing of all filter and paper caps, new cloth line cord, etc. This set has a lot of volume and picks up a lot of stations across the dial. The set has both BC and SW bands. This is a very unique set and I've had it for ten years; the last one I've seen for sale was this one. 14-1/2"W x 9"H x 7"D.  $595.00. (0620206)
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