C. Dockery's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since September 2010"

the Radio Attic

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Modern radio equipment always works whenever you turn it on.  There is little challenge or reward in it.  I'm an engineer and a big fan of early radio technology.  There's still some sort of magic in them!  Alas, my collection is in a limited space, so I have listed some of my sets here to make room for others I have acquired.  I tend toward high quality radios.  They are the most evocative and the best investment.

Radio prices do not include packing and shipping.  Click here to learn more about: Restoration; Descriptions; Packing & Shipping; Payment; Terms of Sale.


Pilot 63

Pilot 63

Gorgeous Pilot model 63 radio with what appears to be original finish! I can find no trace of stripper on the rear edges of the cabinet. It has the original grille cloth in nice shape! It is a six tube set. I replaced all bad resistors and capacitors and it receives very well with strong volume on all bands. I added an audio input cable for use with smart phones or Bluetooth receiver. It has a unique tuning feature. Push the tuning knob down and you have fine tuning. Lift it up and you have coarse tuning. This works better than the push/pull type. It will be well packed in foam rubber. You never see them in this condition! A real gem! $750.00. (1160074)


Jewell Tube Tester Radio Test Set

Jewell Tube Tester Radio Test Set

Nice vintage Jewell radio test set and tube tester. Looks to be pretty complete in original leather case. Interestingly you can test the tube as it perform in the radio's circuit. It has a plug that plugs into the tube socket in the radio. You then plug the tube into the tester and analyze it as it is performing in the radio's circuit! I have not tested it as I don't have a manual instructing its use. $50.00. (1160046)


Emerson DR1-343

Emerson DR1-343

Nice Emerson DR1-343 radio in a very attractive Ingraham cabinet. The Ingraham label is still on the bottom. It is a fine performing set and picks up lots of AM stations just with its built-in loop antenna. Connect an external longwise antenna to the wire with the alligator clip and you get really impressive reception! All tubes have been tested good and bad capacitors and resistors replaced. I have added a cable with an audio plug so you can plug it into a smartphone and play music through the radio (just tune to a quiet portion of the band first). It has the original finish which was is very good condition and was topcoated to restore luster. There is a little darkening around the volume knob. A fine and desirable set at a very fair price! $445.00. (1160073)


Over the Top One-Off Antique Radio Receiver

Over the Top One-Off Antique Radio Receiver

This is the most professionally made and most over-the-top one-off antique radio receiver I have ever seen! A whopping 37" long! It's just mind blowing and clearly the product of an extraordinary builder! I have not tested it, don't know where to begin with this one. A note inside reads, "National Champion Home Made Class Lake Placid 1982." May have been an AWA meet? When I opened the back I noticed two wires not connected. The construction quality is professional. The condition is excellent though there is a crack in the front panel but it does not stand out. Too big to ship safely. Needs to be picked up. Located near Spartanburg, SC. One of a kind! $750.00. (1160068)
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My Restoration Philosophy

Pre-1930 sets: I don't do any thing to harm the value or destroy the history.  For pre-1930 sets this means not replacing components unless they are absolutely the exact correct ones.  Unless the finish is horrible, I will simply use color matched wax on the cabinet.  I'd rather restore too little and let the buyer do more if desired.  It's very hard to go the other way.  I think that time and values will support this approach as sets get older and more historic.

1930+ sets: For later sets, I will replace old electrolytic capacitors and wax paper capacitors that are bad.  Contrary to common belief, most wax paper capacitors 0.1 uF and smaller are fine unless they have gotten hot and the wax has melted.  I test them and replace the bad ones and leave the others alone.  I will replace all black beauty capacitors as they are little time bombs.  I generally try not to replace other components unless the radio is not working properly or the components are in a bad way.  I leave the original workmanship in place as much as possible.  I will clean contact with Deoxit if necessary and remove dirt and grime without harsh chemicals.


I generally buy high end radios and I don't go for ones that are in bad shape.  I try to describe condition accurately so you have no surprises.  However, if you are an expert in a particular radio that I am selling, you may spot details I do not.  If you know of certain things to look for with a set, please ask and I'll be happy to try to find out and also to learn something I did not know.  If you are very particular about certain features or condition issues, please ask.  My goal is to remove any discrepancy in expectation up front.  If I have tried a set, I'll tell you what I observed.  If I have not tried it, the listing will not include any information on that.

Packing & Shipping

I pack better than just about anybody.  I have shipped radios weighing 110 lbs, with no damage.  That means using big boxes, with the proper foam and padding and handle locations and caution labels.  Most importantly, it means using the right shipper! I will not use UPS, ever! FedEx Ground is recommended and mandatory for anything over 25 lbs shipped in the US.  I will also use US Postal Service for items under 25 lbs if desired.  I do not mark up shipping materials one cent.  I charge no packing labor fee at all.  What I pay, you pay.  Radios will be shipped fully insured and fully declared for customs.  Please do not ask to do otherwise.  I pack assuming the radio may be dropped from 5 feet on a corner.  This generally means packing can be expensive for big sets.  Skimping on packing is a false economy.  I won't do it. 

Of course, the buyer may pick up a radio from me at no charge.  I can hold a radio for a while until that is convenient.  The smaller the radio, the longer I can hold it for you.  However, we must agree on a maximum storage time as I can't keep it forever.


Once you notify me by e-mail you wish to buy a radio, I will e-mail you and invoice to be signed and returned to me.  I will hold the radio for 7 days or until payment is received, whichever comes first.  Include the invoice with your payment.  Payment must be received within 7 days of your e-mail notifying me of your intent to buy, or it will be released for sale.  Multiple requests to buy a radio will be handled according to dates of e-mail notifications of intent to buy.  I will accept the following forms of payment: USPS postal money order; US money order; personal check (delay for clearing); cashier's check; cash.  I don't accept electronic transfers or Western Union transfers.

Terms of Sale

I try to describe radios accurately, even a bit harshly.  However, a buyer may return the radio (ship date) back to me within 4 business days of receiving it.  You must contact me before returning it.  It must be returned as packed, so UNPACK CAREFULLY & KEEP THE PACKING MATERIALS.  If the radio is returned to me in the same condition as sent and it is the same radio, I will happily refund the purchase price of the radio.  I will not otherwise.  You are responsible for return shipping cost.  If it arrives damaged because you did not use the same packing or returned it by UPS for example, I will not refund it.  You have as much responsibility to get it to me safely as I took to get it to you.  It is only fair.

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