Al Guy's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since July 2003"

the Radio Attic


Please click on the link above to contact me, or e-mail me at
Click on an image below for a larger view.  Shipping is not included in prices; buyer pays shipping.
Following payments accepted: PayPal, money order, or check. Will ship within two business days except for delay while a check clears.

Al started repairing radios 1946 while in high school. Retiring, after 33 years in aerospace electrical and avionics design in 1986, he got back into radio restoration and collecting. Altogether he has restored, sold and collected many vintage radios.

All electrolytic and paper capacitors are replaced along with any other faulty or out-of-tolerance parts including tubes.. RF and IF circuits are aligned to provide peak performance and accurate tuning. Dials, dial mechanisms, knobs, power cords, and grille cloth are repaired or replaced as needed.

His electronic repairs will provide many more hours of radio listening pleasure and cabinets are repaired and refinished as necessary to provide a good looking addition to your home or office.



Emerson 522-W (1946)

Emerson 522-W (1946)

1946 AM table radio. Bakelite cabinet repainted with the factory ivory color. Sort of a Deco design. A crack in bottom of the cabinet has been repaired and does not affect the appearance. The chassis was restored with capacitor replacement and replacement of faulty tubes and other needed components. Plays well across the broadcast band. See positive customer comments below. Will carefully pack and send to you by UPS insured ground. $109.00. (0440084)
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< Al's Radio Attic Testimonials > 

  • The Remler scottie dog arrived today. Very well packed and even handsome as shown on the picture. Thanks a lot. Theo from the Netherlands
  • The radio arrived in good condition and plays well. It looks perfect on my bedside table. I put my inductive loop antenna next to it and it pulls in some truly low-power stations nicely. -- George
  • Just to let you know the radio arrived safely and It plays very well. Much thanks.
  • Just wanted you to know that the radio arrived today - it's really beautiful. I fired it up and all seemed well - picked up stations and played on broadcast as well as some short wave. -- Allan
  • Received the radio today. Very nicely packaged to keep the shippers from damaging the radio. Thanks. I have been listening to the radio since 5pm. Listening to coast to coast now. Nice radio. -- Allan
  • White Christmas played while I put up the tree. I love it! -- Tony
  • Just wanted to let you know the radio arrived safe and sound. It works great! We have one station out here that plays music on AM so that is what will be playing on it. Very exciting because I always wanted an old radio like this, so my dream finally came true after countless hours and trips to antique stores and finding radios that did not work. -- Darrel
  • I received the radio today. It's in one piece and very nice!  Great job restoring it! I have always wanted an old radio. -- Lee
  • Received the radio today. Very well packed, and in perfect working condition. Thank you very much, my wife and I are very pleased with the radio. -- Gary
  • Radio arrived in good shape. Looks and plays as advertized. Thanks for including a vintage radio carton.
  • Received the Zenith today and it is perfect, plays really well, typically Zenith. Thank you for a real nice radio. -- Aram
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