Greg Van Beek's Nostalgia Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2021"

the Radio Attic


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I offer a quantity discount on my radios, so check out my other listings and drop me a line if you're interested in more than one at a time. A Bluetooth/MP3 player 3.5mm cord has been installed at no additional charge when the circuit design allows for another listening option beyond the standard AM broadcasts. You can plug in to the headphone port of your device and enjoy the music of your choice through the radio or unplug for standard AM broadcasts.

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Admiral 5E22 AN (1950)


Admiral 5E22 AN (1950)

This 1950 Admiral features a beautiful, molded natural finish marble swirl cabinet in very nice condition with a few minor scratches here and there but no cracks. It features a striking gold dial and accent strip, original knobs with brass inserts, and the original back cover with neat graphics. A very nicely preserved original example of this 75 year-old radio! It has been recapped, aligned, controls cleaned & lubricated, so it plays loud and strong across the dial with its built-in loop antenna, or use the attached 3.5mm cord to play your own content. 11-3/4"W x 7-1/2"H x 6-1/2"D. $159.00. (1790338)


Airline 14BR-526A (1941)

Airline 14BR-526A (1941)

Five-tube compact Montgomery Ward Airline brand with side mounted speaker and a very Art Deco inspired cabinet. The cabinet was repaired and painted a deep burgundy red enamel with a few minor blemishes here and there but it compliments nicely with the bold full-face dial and the cream-colored mechanical pushbutton presets and knobs. A crystal-clear new reproduction dial cover was installed. Original back cover intact. It has been recapped, controls cleaned/lubricated, & new line cord installed. Sounds good with its built-in loop antenna or use the 3.5mm cord to stream your own audio. 11-1/2"W x 8"H x 7"D. $169.00. (1790335)


Arvin 450TL (1950)

Arvin 450TL (1950)

Nice compact mid-century modern five-tube Arvin featuring a top lit dial light, stainless steel mesh grille, and anodized gold dial pointer. Natural finish marble swirl pattern cabinet has a nice shine, however there is a (structurally sound) crack across the right side. Still the set displays very nice and and plays strong too. Has a built-in loop antenna, or use the attached 3.5mm aux cord to play your own content. Chassis was recapped, tubes tested strong, new line cord and original back cover intact. 11"W x 6-1/2"H x 5-1/2"D. $159.00. (1790337)


Emerson 330 (1941)


Emerson 330 (1941)

Nice pre-war, five-tube Emerson in a large plastic cabinet with a natural finish marble swirl pattern. The cabinet is in very nice condition with a few minor scratches overall. There is a repaired crack on the bottom around one of the chassis mounting holes but it's structurally sound and does not detract from the overall appearance. It has been recapped, aligned, controls cleaned & lubricated, so it plays loud and strong across the dial with its built-in loop antenna, or use the attached 3.5mm cord to play your own content. 12"W x 8"H x 7-1/2"D. $119.00. (1790341)


Emerson BJ210 (1938)


Emerson BJ210 (1938)

This rare and desirable Emerson features an Ingraham designed cabinet that is totally unique in its shape. Featuring three inlayed red pinstripes, a solid brass escutcheon, and wood louvered grille work (all trademark features of Ingraham cabinets), these don't turn up too often! Five tubes plus ballast, it receives AM and Shortwave. Plays strong across the dial with a long wire antenna attached, including some on SW. Or use the attached 3.5mm aux cord to play your own content. All electrolytic and paper caps have been replaced, tubes tested strong, controls were cleaned and lubricated. Cabinet was refinished using spray toners and topped with a spray of clear enamel for durability. New dial cover and polarized line cord. 14-1/2"W x 9-1/4"H x 9"D. $249.00. (1790346)


General Electric L-660 (1941)


General Electric L-660 (1941)

A totally unique six-tube table model with top facing speaker, red tone control flip lever behind the volume knob, and four push-button preset buttons (the 5th button on the right needs to be depressed for dial tuning). A nice touch is the chrome dial bezel that gives this set the appearance of a vintage car dashboard. The glass dial is illuminated with its original pink GE branded night light bulb for a very cool dial effect. Plays strong across the dial with its built-in loop antenna. Or use the attached 3.5mm aux cord to play your own content. All electrolytic and paper caps have been replaced, tubes tested strong, controls were cleaned and lubricated. Bad veneer was replaced on the cabinet, and it was refinished using spray toners and topped with a spray of clear enamel for durability. 13"W x 8-3/4"H x 8"D. $179.00. (1790347)


Imperial L48-J6 (1941)


Imperial L48-J6 (1941)

This is another pre-war, five-tuber in a large plastic cabinet, this one with a very bold natural finish marble swirl pattern with four mechanical pre-set pushbuttons. Very little is known about this model, which appears to be made by Admiral with a model XJ6 chassis. The cabinet is in very nice condition with a few minor scratches overall. There is some minor cracking on the bottom around the chassis mounting holes, but the cabinet is still structurally sound and these minor superficial bolt stress cracks do not detract from the overall appearance. It has been recapped, controls cleaned & lubricated, so it plays reasonably well, receiving my strong local stations. The original multi-tier loop antenna & back cover was missing, so a standard loop antenna was added. It's not as sensitive to distant stations as a result, but it does have an attached 3.5mm aux cord to allow you to play your own content. 12"W x 8"H x 7-1/2"D. $129.00. (1790342)


International Midget (1939)


International Midget (1939)

Definitely a one-of-a-kind set. No model number and no brand name on the cabinet or chassis. Doubtful that you'll ever run across another one of these three-tube TRFs that was made by either International Radio Corp. or Pilgrim Radio Corp. The chassis has been gone through with all new wax and filter capacitors, a strong tested set of tubes. The controls were cleaned and lubricated to make them move as smoothly as they did when new. Requires its long wire to be attached to an external antenna source to receive stations. This is one of those circuits where the antenna is connected directly to the volume control, so the louder you turn the volume, the stronger the stations come in. There is no AVC, so you have to adjust the volume as you tune. As such, my standard add-on 3.5mm cord could not be installed on this unit. Metal crinkle finish cabinet was given a fresh spray. Very compact, almost palm sized at just 6-1/2"W x 4-3/4"H x 5"D. $99.00. (1790340)


Packard-Bell 5FP (1946)

April 17

Packard-Bell 5FP (1946)

This five-tube Packard-Bell is an entry level set akin to the Philco Transitone line. Similarly, this set also saw production that lasted from pre-war to the late 1940's. This model uses a power transformer coupled with 6-volt tubes and field coil speaker, an unusual combination for a compact radio. What sets this set apart from others of its ilk is the beautiful ivory Plaskon cabinet that literally glows in the dark from the dial light and tubes inside. A very cool effect of these Plaskon cabinet radios. This one is beautifully preserved with only a few very minor superficial blemishes. Amazing for being nearly 80 years old! The dial scale is literally a thin piece of cardboard and due to its age and flimsy nature, there is a minor repaired tear on the upper portion. It has a new crystal-clear dial cover and original Plaskon knobs unique to this set (very difficult to find). It receives all of my local stations with its built-in loop antenna. It has been recapped, tubes tested strong, controls cleaned & lubricated. A nice time capsule from the early post war years. 9-1/4"W x 6-1/2"H x 6"D. Was $159.00, now $119.00. (1790324)


Philco 38-14T (1938)


Philco 38-14T (1938)

This five-tube Philco features AM & Shortwave. It plays well with just the wire antenna or connect it to an external antenna source for more distant reception. It has been recapped, tubes tested strong, controls cleaned & lubricated for smooth operation. Cabinet was totally refinished using toners and topped with a spray of clear enamel. Very stylish glass dial cover with brass escutcheon and the original grille cloth. Labels intact inside the cabinet. Note: this set does not feature my usual 3.5mm aux cord. 12"W x 8"H x 6-1/2"D. $129.00. (1790345)


RCA 9X561 (1950)


April 17

RCA 9X561 (1950)

Excellent sounding five-tube RCA Golden Throat with a large speaker that gives a deep loud tone. It receives all of my local stations with its built-in loop antenna or use the RCA phono jack in the back of the chassis to play your own content through the radio. The chassis has been gone through with all new capacitors, a strong tested set of tubes, new line cord. Cabinet was repaired and painted in a striking maroon enamel with just a few minor blemishes. 12-3/4"W x 10"H x 8-1/2"D. Was $149.00, now $129.00. (1790343)


Silvertone 6 (1952)


April 17

Silvertone 6 (1952)

Five tube Mid-Century Modern design straight out of the Sears Roebuck Catalog. Very stylish cabinet with an anodized gold grille very reminiscent of the styling on cars of the '50s. The Lucite dial scale ring is illuminated and looks stunning in a dark room with a 3D effect. It has been recapped, aligned, tubes tested strong, controls cleaned & lubricated, so it plays loud and clear across the dial with its built-in loop antenna, receiving all my local stations. Or use the 3.5mm cord to play your own content. Cabinet finish is original with chips and blemishes touched up in a matching color. 11"W x 6-1/2"H x 6"D. Was $139.00, now $119.00. (1790339)


Stromberg-Carlson 400H (1939)


April 17

Stromberg-Carlson 400H (1939)

Another first timer on Radio Attic, this well-built S-C features five tubes and AM only reception. The left control is volume, middle is a off/on/two position tone, and the right side is tuning. It plays well with a long wire antenna attached, receiving all of my local stations, or use the attached 3.5mm aux cord to play your own content through the radio. The chassis has been gone through with all new capacitors, a strong tested set of tubes, new line cord. Cabinet was totally refinished using spray toners topped with a spray of clear enamel. 14-1/2"W x 9"H x 8"D. Was $179.00, now $149.00. (1790344)


Zenith 6-D-015 (1946)

Zenith 6-D-015 (1946)

A nicely designed six-tube Zenith "consoltone" radio with a crescent dial produced right after the end of WWII, when the company restarted commercial production. One knob in the lower center of the cabinet, with the front half controlling off/on/volume, and the back half for dial tuning. It has been gone through with all new filter and paper capacitors, strong tested set of tubes, controls cleaned and lubricated. It receives all of my local stations with its built-in Wavemagnet loop antenna. Note: this set does not feature my usual 3.5mm aux cord. The cabinet was repaired and re-painted in its original white enamel which compliments the solid brass trim spear on the front, which surrounds the "red dot" light when the set is turned on. There's a fold down handle on the top of the cabinet. New line cord and a beautiful exact reproduction back cover adds the final touch. 12-3/4"W x 7"H x 6-1/2"D. $149.00. (1790336)


Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)


Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)

Classic six-tube Zenith affectionately known as "The Toaster" because of the grille work, and the unique slots for ventilation across the top and sides of the cabinet. The Ingraham designed cabinet was refinished using spray toners and topped with a spray of clear enamel for durability. New exact reproduction knobs. It has been recapped, out of tolerance resistors replaced, controls cleaned & lubricated, so it plays reasonably well, receiving my strong local stations. The original multi-tier Zenith "Wavemagnet" loop antenna was missing, so a standard loop antenna was added in its place. It's not as sensitive to distant stations using just the loop, but a wire for an external antenna was added that can boost the signal, and it also has an attached 3.5mm aux cord to allow you to play your own content. 12-1/2"W x 7-1/2"H x 7-1/2"D. $179.00. (1790348)
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